Welcome to my webpage!

I am an associate professor of sociology at the Scuola Normale Superiore, in the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, in Florence, where I am part of the COSMOS (Centre on Social Movement Studies) research team.

My research interests include social movements, political participation, collective memory and media analysis.

After working in several research project, including LIVEWHAT (Living with Hard Times – How Citizens React to Economic Crises and Their Social and Political Consequences), “Collective Action and the Refugee Crisis”, DEMOS (Democracy in Europe and the Mobilization of Society), and CLIMACT (Communication as Organization: Social Media and Grassroots Participation in Climate Action Mobilizations), now I am charge of the project ReFuture (The Return of the Future: democracy and political planning in the age of COVID-19 and climate change) and collaborate in TRANSFORM (Driving Transformative Environmental Governance).

I hold a Ph.D. in Political and Social Sciences from the European University Institute (2015, with a thesis on the relationship between memory and social movements) and a master in Communication from the University of Padova (2008, with a thesis on the evolution of the memory of the foibe in the Italian media).

These are three recent books I published, on the relationship between memory and movements (Palgrave, 2018), on solidarity in times of crisis (Il Mulino, 2019) and on street protests in Italy in times of political backlash (Routledge, 2022):

I am a member of the streering committee of the standing group on Participation and Mobilisation of the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) and I am also member of the Research Network 25 (Social Movements) of the European Sociological Association (ESA), of the standing group on Social Movements and Political Participation of the Società Italiana di Scienza Politica (SISP), of the ) and of the research network on Social Movements of the Council for European Studies (CES).

I have obtained the national scientific qualification for the role of associate professor in the fields of political science, general sociology, cultural sociology and political sociology.

I am also a member of the editorial board of the journals Mobilization and SN Social Sciences.